Tuesday, June 19, 2012

WINE LEGS: Not an urban legend....

Inspiration for this post was drawn from the fact that Rosenblum Winery just pinged a "case special" into our inbox, and we had 12 bottles of zinfandel split out amongst our office for purchase faster than you could hope to make it to the bottom of this blog entry.  As a Bay Area company, we are very lucky to be located just 60 short miles south of some of the best grapes in the country.

With this in mind, one of our teammates in the peloton (and professor at UCSC) recently forwarded us an article worth sharing from the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport - a subtle reminder that for days when we've had a TOUGH workout (on the bike or in the weight room), it might just be better to literally "keep a cork in it."

The article concluded that not only does alcohol magnify "the severity of skeletal muscle injury - delaying the recovery of strength in the following 24h period," but that it can STILL impact muscle performance up to two days later.
WINE LEGS: They are no urban legend, folks - making pedal strokes all over the country as flat as a pancake. They DO exist.
Although we hate to say it, we might start saving the smaller celebrations (It's Tuesday!) for our day off the bike.

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